How can Keyword Research Help in Better SEO Rankings?
Keyword research is the process of analyzing the search queries people enter in the search engines to deliver the best possible information to them for SEO or general marketing. It is used to discovering words and phrases that people might use on different platforms. Some of these platforms are Google, Bing, YouTube, and many more.
Keyword research has a great impact on every SEO task you perform like searching for any relevant content, on-page SEO, email outreach, and content promotion. It helps you to use the most commonly used keywords by the users to ensure that your website appears at the top of the SEO rankings.
The keywords have a significant impact on the organic page rank in search engines as well. It has been that 75% of internet users never visit the second page of any search engine results page. So, you need to make your website appear on the first page of the SERPs. To do that, you have to perform proper keyword research to gain a good SEO ranking.
So, how will keyword research boost your SEO ranking?
To appear on the first page of the SERPs, you need to effectively perform research on the keywords. After all, this will only help your website in acquiring and maintaining your audience’s attention. Some benefits of doing proper keyword research:
1. Engaged Audience:
You must study which keywords are bringing more traffic to your site prior to writing content for the website. By doing that, you will be able to understand which keyword must be used to target a particular group of audiences. Start with finding out your audience’s interests so that you can directly target them with your website content.
2. Improved Conversion Rate:
The most relevant content will surely attract visitors and generate qualified traffic. You will be able to generate a higher conversion rate if you are providing the visitors with useful information that they didn’t find elsewhere. All you have to do is provide the most relevant content to engage the maximum audience and thus increasing the conversion rate.
3. Marketing Trend Insight:
Analyzing keywords will provide you with insights into the new marketing trends and consumer behavior. It keeps you up to date with popular trends. In addition to that, it tells us what’s important to your audience so that you can use that to create more relevant content.
4. Utilize Your Time Properly:
You must not waste time creating content on keywords that are not increasing your SEO ranking. Rather than that utilize your time to create content on the keywords that have a higher chance of engaging more audience and improve your SEO ranking.
5. Expand Your Long Tail Efforts:
Do a throughout keyword research for the keywords to discover the undiscovered keyword queries that your audience might use and expand your long-tail efforts. This type of search is really popular in bringing more traffic to the website. Effective keywords can gain you a higher position for using phrases that matter to your audience, break into new markets, and ultimately strengthening your visibility.
6. Place Your Keywords at the Right Spot:
It is the second most important task after doing proper keyword research. Placing the keywords at the right spot can have a huge impact on your organic search ranking. Using these keywords in your page title, alt text, URL, and anchor text can increase the crawling of the search engines, thus gaining a higher SEO ranking.
Role of PPC Ads in SEO Ranking.
Are you new to PPC Ads? Or SEO? Or both?
PPC Ads or pay-per-click is a widely used strategy by marketers to effectively display ads on different search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. It helps the ads to appear in front of the targeted audience and paying a commission to the search engine whenever there’s a click on the ad.
This is what PPC is used for, i.e., helping you out to popularise your brand name.
So, is it always the case that PPC ads play an important role in improving your SEO ranking?
Well, the answer is no.
Neither PPC ads can directly affect your website’s SEO ranking, nor can your SEO ranking affect your PPC ads.
Then what are you going to do other than making them work together to get the most traffic?
SEO and PPC ads can work together to bring out better marketing plans.
Don’t just leave thinking it’s too hard for you to achieve.
Keep reading the article to know what advantages you will get when you make SEO and PPC ads work together.
SEO + PPC = Increases Your Online Presence.
By now, you must be well aware of how important it is to improve your website’s SEO for your website to have a better ranking on the first page for one or two targeting keywords. Always try to purchase PPC ads with a higher bid for a particular keyword to make it appear at the top of the search engine page whenever someone enters a query with that specific keyword.
Optimizing your website and purchasing the right PPC ads will help your website rule the search engine page for a particular keyword.
PPC Helps You Recapture Lost Search Engine Clicks.
It is a good thing if your website is organically appearing at the top of the search engine page for a particular keyword. You might feel that if your website is going so well, you don’t need to spend on PPC ads.
Research at Google study found that when the search ads for a keyword were paused, nearly 89% of the traffic generated by these ads was not by the organic rankings. It was clear from the study that not using PPC ads might have a negative impact on your website’s ranking.
Remarketing Campaigns to Reach Old Visitors.
Even if your website is ranking well, some shoppers or potential leads take time to convert. To convert them faster, you can combine your SEO with a type of PPC, which is known as remarketing, to target your website’s old visitors to revisit your website and complete an action.
Remarketing is needed to remind the visitors that the product of their interest is still there, waiting for them to come back and complete a purchase or convert into a lead.
PPC Helps to Find New Keywords for SEO.
Often it takes a lot of time and research to find the right keywords. The particular keyword you want to use for your PPC ads will not necessarily bring you the desired results.
The only way out is to try and test the keywords out, which you think might bring the results. So, choose your keywords very carefully, or all your efforts will be in vain.
SEO + PPC = More Data for Smart Decision-Making.
Combining SEO and PPC will provide you a lot of data for decision-making purposes. You will be able to examine metrics like click-through-rate, bounces and exit rates, time on site, and conversion rate from both your SEO and PPC campaigns.
These data will help you make smarter decisions that will ultimately help you get a purchase or capture a lead.