How to Provide Discounts or Coupons Without Making a Loss?
Are you struggling to improve your brand’s conversion rate?
If people are visiting your page, but are just leaving the site without a purchase, then it might be the case that they don’t find your offers too good. You did a great job in bringing the leads but failed to capture them. This is when you can use the strategy of offering discounts and coupons to ensure an increase in the conversion rate.
Are afraid of incurring loss while offering discounts or coupons?
It is not necessarily always the case. It entirely depends on how to use the strategy to ensure a positive result even after giving away discounts.
Offering discounts have always been used to encourage customers and prospects to make a purchase, even in the digital market. It is an effective strategy that many business owners use after considering whether visitors are in the buyer’s journey or not.
Business owners plan every step of their plan execution. They don’t just go online and post their offers. They set the time, mode, and reason for offering discounts or coupons.
Offering discounts or coupons can even backfire in different ways sometimes. So, consider the following ways while planning to give out an offer.
Capture New Visitors with a Special Offer
Offering a new visitor discounts or coupons might not always bring a positive result right away. Instead, go for smaller commitments like asking for their email address in exchange for a discount code.
1. Reward Loyal Customers
If you have a group of loyal customers, you should often reward them for being loyal to your brand. Whenever customers cross a certain amount of money on your website, you need to offer them discounts or coupons on the next order as a thank you reward.
2. Boost Sales During Holidays
During any holiday or festive season, people go online to purchase gifts for their friends and family. There is always an increase in sales due to the holiday offers and discounts.
3. Use Pre-Order Discounts for New Products
Whenever there is a launch of the new products, you want a maximum number of people to buy them. So, make the online stores promote it with a pre-order discount on upcoming products. But offer a small discount or else it can devalue the product.
4. Reduce Abandoned Carts
Most likely you already use this strategy. But if you aren’t, start using it. You constantly need to offer a discount on the items in their cart, to bring them back and make them purchase those items.
5. Rewards Referrals from Existing Customers
You must be familiar with referral marketing. It is an effective way to invite new customers through the existing ones by offering them discounts or coupons.
6. Retarget Visitors with a Custom Offer
The best way to bring more sales is to target every customer with a personal message. Personalized emails, ads, or on-site messages can surely increase sales. Create ads or emails focusing on the offer that is only for them.
7. Offer Discounts on Subscriptions
This is another way of customer retention. You can offer discounts or coupons to the prospects to make them subscribe. After that, you can easily target the prospects. This will increase customer lifetime value and recover it.
8. Follow Up with Event Attendees
If you promote any of your products in an event, it will bring you, attendees. Send emails to them and promote the products you promoted in the event. Don’t forget to link them to your site. This offer becomes more exclusive and brings more visitors to a specific segment.
How can Keyword Research Help in Better SEO Rankings?
Keyword research is the process of analyzing the search queries people enter in the search engines to deliver the best possible information to them for SEO or general marketing. It is used to discovering words and phrases that people might use on different platforms. Some of these platforms are Google, Bing, YouTube, and many more.
Keyword research has a great impact on every SEO task you perform like searching for any relevant content, on-page SEO, email outreach, and content promotion. It helps you to use the most commonly used keywords by the users to ensure that your website appears at the top of the SEO rankings.
The keywords have a significant impact on the organic page rank in search engines as well. It has been that 75% of internet users never visit the second page of any search engine results page. So, you need to make your website appear on the first page of the SERPs. To do that, you have to perform proper keyword research to gain a good SEO ranking.
So, how will keyword research boost your SEO ranking?
To appear on the first page of the SERPs, you need to effectively perform research on the keywords. After all, this will only help your website in acquiring and maintaining your audience’s attention. Some benefits of doing proper keyword research:
1. Engaged Audience:
You must study which keywords are bringing more traffic to your site prior to writing content for the website. By doing that, you will be able to understand which keyword must be used to target a particular group of audiences. Start with finding out your audience’s interests so that you can directly target them with your website content.
2. Improved Conversion Rate:
The most relevant content will surely attract visitors and generate qualified traffic. You will be able to generate a higher conversion rate if you are providing the visitors with useful information that they didn’t find elsewhere. All you have to do is provide the most relevant content to engage the maximum audience and thus increasing the conversion rate.
3. Marketing Trend Insight:
Analyzing keywords will provide you with insights into the new marketing trends and consumer behavior. It keeps you up to date with popular trends. In addition to that, it tells us what’s important to your audience so that you can use that to create more relevant content.
4. Utilize Your Time Properly:
You must not waste time creating content on keywords that are not increasing your SEO ranking. Rather than that utilize your time to create content on the keywords that have a higher chance of engaging more audience and improve your SEO ranking.
5. Expand Your Long Tail Efforts:
Do a throughout keyword research for the keywords to discover the undiscovered keyword queries that your audience might use and expand your long-tail efforts. This type of search is really popular in bringing more traffic to the website. Effective keywords can gain you a higher position for using phrases that matter to your audience, break into new markets, and ultimately strengthening your visibility.
6. Place Your Keywords at the Right Spot:
It is the second most important task after doing proper keyword research. Placing the keywords at the right spot can have a huge impact on your organic search ranking. Using these keywords in your page title, alt text, URL, and anchor text can increase the crawling of the search engines, thus gaining a higher SEO ranking.
What is Google Ads? How does Google’s Advertising Service work?
There are 2.3 million searches performed on Google every second. And each of the search pages contains Google Ads.
If you’re thinking about spending some cash on ads to the target audience, then you must pay it right place, like Google Ads.
Google Ads is tremendously useful to target the relevant and qualified traffic to your webpage exactly when they are looking for the products or services you provide.
This article will help you get familiar with the term “Google Ads”.
What are Google Ads?
Google Ads, formerly known as Google Adwords, is an online paid advertising platform run by Google, where an advertiser pays to display brief ads, and it’s paid for every click.
Google Ads has proven to be efficient in driving qualified and potential customers to your business while they are showing interest in any goods or services similar to yours.
How does Google’s Advertising Service work?
Google Ads is Google’s advertising service that enables you to place search results for your website on a search engine results page after paying a fee.
Google Ads allows you to attract the targeted audience the moment they require your product.
Ads displayed on different platforms like YouTube, Blogger, and Google Display Network can help you promote your product and bringing more traffic, thus increasing sales of the product.
The only thing you have to do after starting to use Google’s advertising service is to pay Google for every click you get on your ad. Whenever someone sees your ad and if they find it relevant to his desire, then he clicks on the ad and visits your webpage. Eventually, getting you some buyers to improve your ROI.
With Google’s advertising service, you can help you with many things. It can easily hike up your webpage traffic, more phone calls, and increase your in-store visits, and popularizing your brand name.
Plus, whatever be the size of your businesses, Google’s advertising service can always help you get more business within your limited budget.
Use Google’s advertising service for your business. It’s always there to increase your ROIs.
What is Website Optimization? Why Does Your Website Need It?
Many e-commerce business owners are struggling to do business through their e-commerce websites. If you are one of them, then your website needs to be optimized to improve traffic generation.
Now, what do you know about website optimization? You need to know what it is and how it is helpful in bringing you the desired traffic to your website.
Prior to that, you need to understand who your visitors are, and what they want from your website so that you can optimize your website accordingly and get the most out of it.
So, let’s get started with the basics of website optimization.
Basics of Website Optimization:
Website optimization is a process that uses different tools and innovative strategies and experiments with them to improve the website’s performance. Thus it helps to bring in more traffic to the website, boosting the conversion rate, and grow its ROI.
Website optimization involves processes like to achieve the goal of getting indexed by the search engines:
- using relevant keywords and phrases in the website’s content
- editing meta tags
- image tags
- optimizing many other components within the website

One of the important aspects of website optimization is Search Engine Optimization (SEO). SEO is a technique that aims at the top ranking of different pages of a website in the SERPs for specific keywords. Moreover, it helps the prospects to find your website in the easiest way.
Another aspect that can be used effectively for website optimization is on-page optimization. It is a technique that is used to provide the best user experience to the visitors who have landed on your website. Thus it helps to encourage them to take the desired action and converting them into a lead.
Website optimization is really necessary for improving the ranking of any website. If you don’t optimize your website and its content, no matter how many people are looking for products/services similar to yours, your website won’t show up in the SERPs. Your brand will remain unnoticed.
So, why is optimizing a website so important? Let’s understand.
Important of Website Optimization:
Optimizing a website is an important strategy that is essential to rank higher in the SERPs. This can be done by providing users exactly what they are looking for throughout the internet. So, you need to give the actual answer which they are finding hard to get even after visiting several websites. By optimizing your website, you give them a chance to the visitors to accomplish their goal and have a great user experience.
Also, optimization enables the search engine to understand your website better. Search engines need to understand your website content to drive in the traffic that might convert into customers. The more you optimize your web pages, the better it is to generate traffic.
Optimization can boost your website’s CTR as well. A high CTR is a positive signal to the search engine’s algorithms. It means the more clicks you get, the higher you rank in the SERPs. Optimizing your website by focusing more on the keywords that are relevant to your brand will help you get more clicks.