Content Marketing and Video Marketing will cover most of 2021 Marketing Planner
Content Marketing and Video Marketing:
Gone are the days when marketing planners used only three mediums to promote their brands. They used to convey their business story along with the organization’s value proposition. Those three conventional mediums were print, radio, and television. Today, with the changing environment, a lot has changed including the marketing tactics. All previously used mediums are now replaced. They are replaced with the most trending marketing medium i.e. the internet. Various forms of digital marketing have emerged over a period of time and changed the digital landscape for the good. Content marketing and video marketing are two of the most rapidly growing forms of digital marketing media that are aimed at captivating the maximum traffic and increase the conversion rate by a significant value. Both these tools act as an inseparable part of the social media marketing campaign as well.

Content Marketing and Video Marketing will cover most of the 2021 Marketing Planner
According to HubSpot, around 51.9% of marketing professionals consider video as the type of content that gains the maximum ROI. The ultimate aim of marketers is to promote their brands in a way that maximum people can get engaged. They successfully bridge the gap between their brands and consumers. With more and more people being engaged in social media, marketers have found the best alternative. To reach out to a mass population they are using social media marketing. In order to engage the visitors, you need to present them with engaging SEO content that has been designed keeping the viewer’s interest in mind. Diligently created SEO content has the maximum chances of attracting more visitors. Today, content marketing has become a universal tactic that is being used by almost 90% of companies and the count is still on a rise.